As his name suggests, he is the King of Woodies. The Woodie King was a very minor character in Tak 2: The Staff of Dreams. They only appear in one episode, Woodiefest. As of the television series they seem to love chickens. However, These Woodies are massive, causing a major threat to the village. In Tak and the Power of Juju Television Series, Woody Soldiers are also the only ones that appear. When their flail hits the ground, it will get stuck, leaving the Warriors open. They carry a large flail, which they will twirl around, and pound into the ground. They are massive beings, made out of a large tree trunk. The biggest and strongest Woodies are the Woodie Warriors. They typically are alone, or occasionally in a pair. These Shaman will not always attack, as they can resurrect any Woody. They are taller and have a large head, and they hold a long staff. Woodie Shaman are the second strongest Woodies.

These Woodies tend to be in large groups to attack. They are the size of Tak, had two downpointing horns, and have a spear. The smallest and weakest of these, are the Woodie Tribesmen. These wooden bad guys are made of wood, bits of vine, and are animated by magic. It is possible their cruel actions towards other creatures are bornes from them being unhappy with their past. Eventually they mastered the magic that created them and began creating their own civilization, constructing simple weapons, larger warriors, magical shamans and even dangerous catapults. However, some time later the Woodies quickly rebelled against their shaman master and escaped. According to the game's guide, Woodies were created in great numbers by a powerful shaman in the past, who believed he could use them for good, as a large and tireless workforce: although in the game Jibolba only states they are "the bane of everything's existence" as though they had existed a very long time.